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Marisa Goldstein is a brand strategy director and founder based in New York City. She builds brands and makes things that make people feel good. 

Noén came to be because of all of the things we all

feel. Our erotic lives, our vulnerabilities, our subtle

pleasures — and not so subtle ones — our pain, our

clumsiness, our questioning. The things that make

intimacy a worthy challenge and a beautifully endless

pursuit. Cultivating intimacy, though arguably the

most important thing we’ll ever do, is hardly ever seen

in all its shapes and forms out in the open. We wanted

to create something that helped people explore and

talk about it all — the good, the bad, the awkward, the

mind expanding. Not just the orgasm, but all the

moments around it. From spaces to magazines to

luxurious oils and more, we make things that help us

explore ourselves and each other in totality and that

make us all feel good. 'Noén' comes from the root

of the Greek word for ‘to think’ and the Ancient

Egyptian word for ‘to tremble.’ Our name and our

ethos are rooted in the concept of comprehensive

intimacy — taking notes from a time and place where

eroticism and sensuality were a ritual of health that

people practiced regularly. An intimacy that comes

from our hearts, bodies, minds, and souls at the

forefront of our daily lives. We ask questions instead

of jumping to answers. We look for pleasure in

moments in between, not only the final act. We design

things that belong seamlessly alongside us as we

move through the world. We play in dualities by

embracing the edges and finding balance in between

them. Because you and I are tender and powerful

We scream and whisper; we are deliberate and

spontaneous. Our intimacy is more than sex: it’s

care and confidence and passion and love and a trip

and a conversation and also a place we go. I hope

you join me on my journey.​​​

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